Monthly Archives: October 2006

The Dixie Chicks PR Pity Machine Rolls On

chicks time smI realize that by writing about this I am adding to the very thing that I am criticizing, but I’m compelled to do it anyway.

On October 27th a new documentary will be released called “Shut Up and Sing.” As if it hasn’t been covered enough, this documentary focuses its attention on the fallout from the Dixie Chicks political statements made, gosh… ten thousand years ago?

I’m not even sure how to address this. The original politics isnt even important anymore. The real story is the incredible amount of publicity mileage that the Chicks are still trying to get by portraying themselves as McCarthy era victims. I’m just tired of hearing the endless whining. Its really starting to look pathetic.

This so-called political oppression has turned into a full-fledged publicity campaign, and its very disappointing. I was honestly ready for a new album from them when they released that stupid “Ain’t Ready to Make Nice” business. Give me a break. Its been nearly four years since Natalie opened her mouth at that concert. Time to move on.

My question is, why? Are they unable to write a good song anymore? Do they need this press to sell records for lack of talent? I’m at a loss. Why keep this thing going?

First, I want to refute the idea that these women are victims of any kind of censorship at all. The tag line of this film is, “Free speech is fine as long as you don’t do it in public.” How stupid is that statement? Free speech means that people are allowed to talk back. Free speech does not shield you from lawful consequences of that speech. Free speech allows you to speak. Do they think that they are above being challenged when they speak out? Speak out and people will speak back… FREE speech… hello?

If they are victims of anything, its the free market. If you offend 70% to 80% of your market with the things that you say, do you expect that there will be no consequence? I’m not defending the nuts that sent death threats, but a person deciding not to buy a CD, or attend a concert is a perfectly reasonable response. Don’t shit where you eat. Pretty simple.

If I stood up for a presentation in a meeting with clients and started off with, “Just so ya’ll know, we’re ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas.” I can guarantee that I’d be looking for a job the next day and it would have nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with not knowing when to shut up about my personal opinions. Theres a time and a place for everything. This is something that the Dixie Chicks just cant seem to learn.

Honestly… Shut up and sing.

30 Rock's Ninja Product Placement

30 RockLast Wednesday on NBC’s new show, 30 Rock, I witnessed one of the most seamless product placements ever. There may be better examples out there, but this particular product placement took me back¦ once I noticed what it was.

In the way only Alec Baldwin can, he plays Jack Donaghy, a new network executive who landed the gig by allegedly coming up with the innovative design of the GE Profile Trivection oven. This oven speeds up cooking time by using three types of heat to cook.

In the exchange where Baldwin explains to Tina Fey’s character, Liz Lemon, that he is taking over the show that she is currently head writer for, he uses the GE Profile as a model for the way he wants to run the show. Baldwin then starts into a comical listing of the product’s features that genuinely makes you interested in the oven. Did you know that you can cook an entire turkey in twenty-two minutes with this oven? he asks a speechless Fey.

At the end of the dialogue, Baldwin calls Tracy Morgan’s character the third heat to illustrate how he will make the show just as great as this GE oven.

This product placement was great writing. It was also great advertising. It wasn’t simply putting the product in the frame and hoping it would rub off on the viewer. This was a compelling bit of ad copy inserted into the show’s dialogue without anyone even really knowing.

I was very impressed and I think I’d like to find out more about that oven.

Will Republicans lose congress? Do they deserve to?

With the November elections looming, and Republican prospects of keeping the majority looking worse than they have in long time, I find myself amazingly calm. The only explanation that I can come up with for the serenity is my indifference with the Republican Party right now. I’m not sure if I actually care if they lose. In fact, it might be good for the party.

Having been a conservative since grade school, calling out the GOP for failure isn’t something that I do easily, but something is terribly wrong. Republicans have held the White House, the Senate and the House for almost seven years. What is the result? Record levels of spending that have outdone Clinton by a long shot. We have a national debt that is out of control. We have a nearly non-existent southern border. It’s estimated that over one hundred thousand illegal immigrants per month cross our border and land in our social services system. On top of these internal failings, respect for the US around the world is at record low levels.

This may sound like a list from Democratic talking points, but I am afraid that having a Republican majority has not helped this country has much as I had hoped it would. It seems that having a blank check to do anything has caused the GOP to do nothing constructive.

What things could have been accomplished that weren’t?

1. Border Control. The vast resources that are currently being used in Iraq could have been used to seal our own borders. Imagine the manpower and resources of this war being utilized where it’s really needed. Don’t want to fight the terrorists on US soil? Seal the freakin’ border! That’s pretty elementary. I’m not sure what kind of relationship Bush has with Vicente Fox, but this President’s reaction to the border crisis is laughable. Mass illegal immigration is the clear and present danger this nation right now.

2. Real Education Reform. The US education system is still as pathetic today as it has ever been. No Child Left Behind has simply become another thing that public school teachers can rig in order to advance children who aren’t learning. You really want to improve education in the US? Pass a voucher system that encourages free market competition. It has been proven in small-scale experiments that voucher systems improve public and private schools at the same time. It is crazy that so many other countries, many of which use voucher systems, are outpacing us. Until fundamental change is made to our education system we will continue to graduate illiterate children.

3. Social Security Reform. Congressional Republicans gave up too easily on fixing the largest sucking wound to the federal budget. As it stands, Social Security will be bankrupt just about the time that I’ll be of age to collect on what I’ve been putting into the system my entire working life. Before bankruptcy hits, the Social Security system will be a major cause of an economic downturn the likes of which we haven’t seen since The Great Depression.

4. Income Tax Reform. True, the one bright point for the GOP has been the tax cuts. They have helped to curb the economic effects of 9/11 and the dot-bomb burst. However, the tax code remains dramatically flawed. To see what could be, check out

This concludes my list of disappointments in the Republican Party lately. You’ll notice that this list consists of mainly domestic issues. If the GOP loses congress, I believe that we may see a rebirth of core values in the party. Republicans against the ropes seem to remember what’s important. Cozy and fat Republicans become a waste of time.

All this being said God save us all from what Nancy Pelosi has planned for our country. This is going to get worse before it gets better.