Daily Archives: March 25, 2008

So Much For A Strong Start

I started this blog almost two years ago, and managed to only get a couple of posts out before letting it fizzle in October 2006. I suppose this blog is like so many other things in my life… a strong and enthusiastic start with a quick flame out. Case in point: I met my wife while working at as a summer camp counselor at Shepherd’s Fold Ranch in Avant, OK. At the time I fancied myself as some sort of outdoor wilderness paragon, and so did my soon-to-be wife. We had great plans to spend as much time as possible camping and traveling when we were first married. Fast forward twelve years and three kids later… we have been camping exactly once. Just sad. Another… let’s see… ok… In the previously mentioned twelve years I have put on about thirty pounds. I can’t really stand to look at pictures of myself anymore because of the “fat face” that I see staring back at me. My friends swear that I look fine, but I know better. I’m not a huge “lardy” kind of guy, but I’ve taken on the pudge of a suburban dad. I see guys like myself at every turn. Inside the “fat vest” still roams the lingering athlete, slowly dying. Every once in awhile, while looking for a pizza coupon, I’ll find stuffed in a desk drawer a workout program designed to get me back to fighting weight. There are only two or three of these plans floating around the house. When I find them I take them out and put them somewhere where I think I’ll notice them. I imagine that I will stumble upon one at just the right time when I am not exhausted from work and the kids are not needing me to “engage.” Somehow these scraps of paper always find their way back into a drawer, only to be discovered in another six months or a year… or more.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to paint myself as a flibber de gibbit. There are very important things that I have accomplished through blood, sweat and tears. For example, after a ten-year absence from college I re-enrolled and finished my degree in Journalism, all while supporting my wife and our first child… and failing to learn how to type properly. That was good. Let’s see… another… I taught myself enough graphic design and HTML to land a pretty good job in a Dallas ad agency. I’m making decent money for the first time ever (would be better without all of the school and credit card debt… yeesh). One more… think… well… my wife and I recorded a CD when we were first married, and actually made a living performing music for awhile. That’s was good.

I guess this blog will now become a practical way to remind myself that there are a number of great things that I can do if I will just do them. While this little blog doesn’t count as exactly “great,” it’s a small step in the right direction.

There are many things on my to-do list. My intention is to keep this blog as a place to keep on track. I plan to post the progression of these “to-do’s” over the coming weeks and months… maybe years.

Here’s the start of my list:

  1. Launch my business. I have kept a web development business in my pocket for a long time. Underhill Creative is the name. This business helped me to make a living while I was in school, and I’d like to develop it for real to help me live in freedom (time and money) now.
  2. Get back into “real” art. I’ve spent so much time pushing pixels that I have forgotten what it feels like to create with something real. I need to get my hands dirty again.
  3. Start writing and playing again. I need to pick up my guitar and let it teach me to feel at a deeper level again.

These are the first things on my list. As I make progress here, my life will begin to open to other avenues of progress. Start with the things at hand.

Steve out.