I could quite possibly be wrong about this, but I think that McCain has shifted his fortunes right into the White House with the selection of Sarah Palin as VP. She has bought a real breath of fresh air to the ticket. The pick of another boring white guy would have doomed the campaign, but this selection has invigorated the race. He has the experience and she brings the change and ‘outside Washington’ credentials.
We’ll see how this will really pan out after the VP debate with Biden, but she seems to have excited the conservative base because she apparently embodies the American traditions of rugged individualism and self-reliance that Obama finds so offensive. Predictably, Palin is already being pilloried for lack of experience by the left (irony?), but having been a governor, she has more executive experience than anyone else running… especially the top of the dem ticket.
If McCain/Palin can get the same conservatives out that Bush did in ’04, and just a fraction of moderate democrats and independents that don’t trust Obama, he’ll take the election. Despite what the leftist elite class says, America is still largely right-of-center politically. Until the dems realize this, and stop sending up far left candidates, they’ll continue to lose the presidency. Haven’t they realized that is the formula that gave them two Clinton terms?
I’ll bet Obama makes a great concession speech.