Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Year of “DO”

“I should have been a great many things.” This is the response of Jo March in Little Women to a man who declares that she should have been a lawyer because of her abilities to make a strong argument. This line often echos in my mind when I think that I have just had a good idea that could be a great idea given the proper care and feeding.

There are rare moments in time when a great idea meets with the proper circumstances and something larger is born. I mostly believe that these moments of serendipity are fables. When you eventually hear the details behind the birth of something great, more often than not you hear the story of the large effort which was expended to bring an idea to the point of critical mass. It often turns out that there are many long hours of “doing” preceding the moment of “happening.” Thomas Edison’s famous quote quantifying the ratio of inspiration to perspiration comes to mind.

This brings me to a phrase which I cannot seem to shake. Not sure where this came from, but when I think about the dreams that I have for my life, the phrase, “The Year of ‘DO'” seems to stand in my mind, hanging like a large banner in front of me.

I need to be about the business of doing… active and productive. These dreams that I have carried for years will not spontaneously erupt one day. They will need to be planted and tended to with daily activity.

SO… I have enrolled in grad school. This is my long-term doing. In about 2 years I will have more options open to me in terms of career choice because I will have my masters in mass communications. This is my first act of doing for the year.

Others that must be done include: writing at least 3 songs, writing a completed short story, losing twenty pounds and laying the ground-work for Underhill Creative to thrive.

There are many things to do. Time to start doing.

What is this?

It’s been awhile since my last post. Just didn’t have it in me. I seem to have it in me now. Since the day after Christmas I’ve been riding a small wave of optimism for the new year. I don’t think I’ve felt this way in years. I certainly didn’t feel this way last year. A year ago I simply felt a vague uneasiness about life. Today I have a spark of hope, and not really about anything specific. It’s just general optimism. It’s nice.

On Tuesday I start grad school. That’s good. I have a job that I enjoy, and feel secure in keeping. That’s good. I have about four or five unfinished songs kicking around in my head. That’s good. I am actually feeling motivated to write again. That’s good.

These things together are piled into a little stack of kindling. The spark that brings this together into a potential fire is an unexpected hope that has seemingly sprung from nowhere.

As things unfold this year I will attempt to chronicle the events here.
